yep, im a smoker. weight class smoker, for sure. but im also a good smoker. there are some rule for smart smoker in this world (i think if you're smart, then you will not smoke anyway).
1. smoking in the closed room
as good as anything you smoke, your lungs need oxygen, related to circulatory. The main toxins in cigarettes are tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. i don't have to explain how danger the tar and the nicotine are. but carbon monoxide has the fastest effect on the body. Carbon monoxide is a substance that binds hemoglobin in the blood, making the blood unable to binding the oxygen. the same as inhaling excessive exhaust smoke, cigarette smoke inhalation in a closed room can make a headache because too much carbon monoxide in the body. please note that the smoking room should have good air circulation.
2. discarding cigarette butts carelessly
i hate to see people who throw cigarettes butts carelessly. i have personal little trash can, in condition there is no ashtray when im smoking. those people should follow me on blog.
3. blowing smoke to someone face
no need good manners, just punch straightly to the face.
1. requesting the permission
only if there is someone beside you, unless you are kacang alias nuts.
2. do it at the right place
please, just find a smoking room! if not, do not smoke! you kill the people beside you!
3.stop smoking!
the best advise for smoker and for me. there is absolutely no good in cigarettes. do it now for the people you love.
enak juga ngoceh ga jelas pake bahasa orang. klo ada yang salah tolong diberitahu, lagi belajar.
saya juga lagi sedih karena billy (ranger biru) ternyata gay. oh no...
Pemdes LS Toruan ajak warga "Ngobras", Tindak Lanjut "Wajib Lapor 1 x 24
Pemerintah Desa Lumban Suhi-suhi Toruan Kecamatan Pangururan mengadakan
Ngobrol Bareng Santai *"Ngobras"* bersama dengan warga bertempat di Pantai
Sirulo ...
dari sekian banyak kalimat yg lo tulis di atas itu, gue paling tertarik sama kalimat terakhir xixiii.."saya jg lg sedih krn billy ternyata gay.."
nanggepin mbak Rifka.. lah, berarti Raja??...
Hemm bisa juga loe pake bahasa Linggis.. kalo saya setuju ama nomer 3 do's = Stop Smoking. Man, paru-paruu kita bukan tempatnya knalpot...
gw kira lu sedih karena lu merokok, ternyata lu sedih klo tokoh favorit lu seorang gay..
jangan ikut ya Ja..,bukankah dunia itu pernah kau jalani selama kuliah..
*hahahahaha, kaboooooooooooorrr...!!*
bang raja....
wah ga nyangka nih, nyampe juga di blognya bang raja.
untungnya gw ga ngerokok, ga kyak si cumi dan bodong.. Hhaha.
Bang ijin follow ya, maen2 juga k blog gw..
andai semua perokok bersikap spt itu.
tau aja lo... ghahaha. absolutely, im a manly man. :)
ntar gw mo nyoba bahasa gergaji-mesin, hehe
kampret... :p
wah, ga nyangka, koneksi di blog ternyata lebih enak dari pada pesbuk. ijin follow ya to.
aku kurang paham bahasa inggris, jadi gag terlalu bisa ngoreksi, hehe
oia, aku udah follow balik kamu..:)
mampir utk menyapa... maaf banget baru bisa mampir sekarang.
^tukang colong
oh iya, makasih bgt. kayaknya emang bahasa inggris gw yang kacau deh. ghehehe...
^bu reni
iya, bu. saya sangat memahami. kan ibu pernah posting klo kesibukan ibu sedikit menyita waktu nya. tapi klo sempet sering-sering mampir ya bu.